Documentation ============= In this section you can find the documentation on the theory behind the code. For tutorials refer to the Notebooks section (navigate using the left-hand side menu). For extensive documentation, refer to the source code section of the website. .. figure:: /doc/images/fig_examples.png :width: 1200px Example of capabilities of EPW: (a) Polaron satellites in the ARPES spectrum of EuO [`Riley et al. Nat. Commun. 9, 2305 (2018) `_]; (b) Large electron polaron in LiF [`Sio et al. PRL 122, 246403 (2019) `_]; (c) Anisotropic superconducting gap of NbS2 [`Heil et al. PRL 119, 087003 (2017) `_]; (d) Design of high-mobility p-type GaN [`Poncé et al. PRL 123, 096602 (2019) `_]; (e) Phonon-assisted optical absorption in silicon [`Noffsinger et al. PRL 108, 167402 (2012) `_]. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: ../doc/Theory